Started by user progwml6 Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/TC_forked Checkout:TC_forked / /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/TC_forked - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@75ad2db5 Using strategy: Default Last Built Revision: Revision 02d760d6ecfcff8e40b874b94a70784751fa2759 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fetching changes from 1 remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from origin Seen branch in repository origin/147current Seen branch in repository origin/15current Seen branch in repository origin/16working Seen branch in repository origin/HEAD Seen branch in repository origin/armor Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen branch in repository origin/restructure Seen 7 remote branches Commencing build of Revision e7a48cf2f48a3a2172d03c7b8b707ba45edda2ac (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Checking out Revision e7a48cf2f48a3a2172d03c7b8b707ba45edda2ac (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Warning : There are multiple branch changesets here [TC_forked] $ ant Buildfile: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/TC_forked/build.xml version-provided: version-not-provided: git-revision: [echo] Git revision: jenkins-TC_forked-11 initialize-version: download-forge: download-files: setup: copy-src: [copy] Copying 512 files to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/TC_forked/build/forge/mcp/src/minecraft compile: [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/TC_forked/build/classes [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/TC_forked/build/classes [exec] == MCP 8.04 (data: 8.04, client: 1.6.2, server: 1.6.2) == [exec] # found wine, ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, scalac, rg, ss [exec] == Recompiling client == [exec] > Cleaning bin [exec] > Recompiling Build was aborted Aborted by progwml6 Archiving artifacts Collecting metadata... Metadata collection done. Finished: ABORTED