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  1. The empty variant of the lava clay bucket is now a clay bucket with (commit: c38dd1c) (details)
  2. Version Bump 2.1.5 (commit: aead321) (details)
Commit c38dd1c70621242cd9873d7bbd55ee24e35b94b1 by bernhard.bonigl
The empty variant of the lava clay bucket is now a clay bucket with stacksize 0. This means you get a clay bucket stack with size 0 back if it gets emptied, which is usually removed directly by MC. Fixes the interaction with tanks not destroying lava buckets. This does NOT fix the issue for molten metals, however that is a lesser issue. #117
(commit: c38dd1c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/iguanaman/iguanatweakstconstruct/claybuckets/ (diff)
The file was (diff)