Started 4 yr 10 mo ago
Took 26 sec

Build #36 (Jun 16, 2019 6:46:29 AM)

  1. Update Mantle dependency (details / githubweb)
  2. Fix mix recipes matching any fluid if there are additives (#46) (details / githubweb)
  3. Fix too few reagents being consumed when an item with a large output is smelted (#47) (details / githubweb)
  4. Expose addAdditive as a new public method in IMixRecipe (details / githubweb)
  5. Add a config option to disable showing high oven fuels (default false) and improve book mention of fuels (details / githubweb)

Push event to branch master at 6:46:22 AM on Jun 16, 2019

This run spent:

  • 3 ms waiting;
  • 26 sec build duration;
  • 26 sec total from scheduled to completion.