

  1. Allow Glowshroom blocks to be mined with Silk Touch. #391 (details)
  2. Fix the Nether Furnaces not doubling the burn time of fuel. #395 (details)
  3. Make sure Empty ItemStacks never get to the point where "getItem()" is (details)
  4. Remove recipe book support stop stop a crash regarding casting the (details)
  5. Add support for 1.12.1. Closes #396 (details)
Commit 8082df8c476bcce76c0b959fe717f793c6777375 by alexbegt
Allow Glowshroom blocks to be mined with Silk Touch. #391
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/progwml6/natura/nether/block/shrooms/ (diff)
Commit 81f87a4dc8a21b679a586120cc025d01f007e517 by alexbegt
Fix the Nether Furnaces not doubling the burn time of fuel. #395
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/progwml6/natura/nether/block/furnace/tile/ (diff)
Commit 8f1eafa7febd296fa149531c152ab2d479eebb62 by alexbegt
Make sure Empty ItemStacks never get to the point where "getItem()" is
called on it, which returns a null item. #388
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/progwml6/natura/shared/block/clouds/ (diff)
Commit 2aa6bd7d021ac7079308be2b3de7211c51838d92 by alexbegt
Remove recipe book support stop stop a crash regarding casting the
vanilla container to the modded container. Fixes #392, #Fixes 393
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/progwml6/natura/common/gui/client/ (diff)
Commit de064ab30ef454a85fddf665433c63f4ccd1f005 by alexbegt
Add support for 1.12.1. Closes #396
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle (diff)