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  1. book core code transplant stage 1 (details)
Commit 05fabd5e4f51e75cec162b9bcb30e87aafc77f1c by progwml6
book core code transplant stage 1
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/common/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/gui/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/lib/client/
The file was modifiedsrc/mantle/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/gui/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/pages/
The file was addedsrc/mantle/client/block/