Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History trend


#3 (Jan 5, 2020 7:36:02 PM)

  1. Fix typo in climbableBars config option — spencerb21 / githubweb
  2. Use data generators for recipes and loot tables (#151) — KnightMiner / githubweb
  3. Make bookshelf GUI able to swap to the second half — spencerb21 / githubweb
  4. Handle second side of the bookshelf in click detection — spencerb21 / githubweb

#2 (Dec 30, 2019 7:36:01 AM)

  1. Replace all the bookshelf models, in a more robust manner — spencerb21 / githubweb
  2. Add the model for double-sided bookshelves — spencerb21 / githubweb
  3. Handle bookshelf rendering with 28 books, not 14. — spencerb21 / githubweb