Started by timer [Mon Jun 17 22:22:27 GMT 2024] Starting branch indexing... Connecting to using progwml6 ci login Examining SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct Checking branches... Getting remote branches... Checking branch 1.19.2 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.19.2 (still at cde80c173707e9c805d14571d4606cce54648fdb) Checking branch 1.10.2 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.10.2 (still at 6117b171ca30c00d6bf505d4fde93d5a59e28403) Checking branch 1.11.2 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.11.2 (still at 4c2c43cf6967506fe8ecab65c0d06bcfc2ff4ada) Checking branch 1.12 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.12 (still at c01173c0408352c50a2e8c5017552323ce42f5b4) Checking branch 1.15 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.15 (still at 0fbc4ab06ba673ad6588494a3337d6e12740b28e) Checking branch 1.15-modifiers ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.15-modifiers (still at a9541b7c64df3bc4baac19eb098278aeaebbf640) Checking branch 1.16 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16 (still at d00ca4d3401007b98856fda2f24e2f4d8e701654) Checking branch 1.16-materials ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16-materials (still at 9d9b704f8fd9b5a08f1f162563144ad8a91a9f4e) Checking branch 1.16-modifiers ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16-modifiers (still at f420c15d8247058e83f2f67a236a9e382107f01f) Checking branch 1.16-modifiers-broken ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16-modifiers-broken (still at c2a0496cc75187d56b71b429469f3767f3a9b7bb) Checking branch 1.18 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.18 (still at e9187bed1e524fedf57609787d146f41258cb2d0) Checking branch 1.18.2 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.18.2 (still at 602d078d533027735602cd24799261e31b37244e) Checking branch 1.6.4 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.7.10 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.8.9 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.9 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 164accessory ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch bonis_playground ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch nobuild-1.14-recipes ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria Changes detected: nobuild-1.14-recipes (null → 446fe3c6bb16565e6a2b026d2050949a3a2139f2) No automatic build triggered for nobuild-1.14-recipes Checking branch village ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: village (still at 2e28c45fca0bbb48e03005b2077fe60966798edf) 20 branches were processed Finished examining SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct [Mon Jun 17 22:22:30 GMT 2024] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 3.1 sec Evaluating orphaned items in SlimeKnights » TinkersConstruct Will not remove 1.18.2-bows as it is only #1 in the list Will not remove 1.16-mod-config-test as it is only #2 in the list Will not remove nobuild-1.18.2-nobreak-modifier-hooks as it is only #3 in the list Will not remove 1.16-modifiers-update as it is only #4 in the list Will not remove nobuild-api-break as it is only #5 in the list Will not remove nobuild-1.18-jei-update as it is only #6 in the list Will not remove 1.16-structures as it is only #7 in the list Will not remove nobuild-1.18.2-shields as it is only #8 in the list Will not remove 1.16-tinkerstation as it is only #9 in the list Will not remove nobuild-1.18.2-composable-modifiers as it is only #10 in the list Finished: SUCCESS