Started by timer [Sat Jun 01 19:47:23 GMT 2024] Starting branch indexing... Connecting to using progwml6 ci login Examining SlimeKnights/Mantle Checking branches... Getting remote branches... Checking branch 1.19 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.19 (still at 04ad047eba350cb493e8a75532b2d515a4f4da9d) Checking branch 1.11 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.11 (still at 56b53f60d3bd564fb9135cf87e019c818417ea82) Checking branch 1.12 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.12 (still at 340a386af51a97efaac0e71a3f1ff87fb267efe9) Checking branch 1.14 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.14 (still at bd078d694af477d5ebb61acf2a1d906714d56f29) Checking branch 1.15 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.15 (still at f1b5162ff8ee43a168d0c6c2991f793b41b24b94) Checking branch 1.16 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16 (still at e3377ecf04ecb44e40497e36412d0a99cd7a7887) Checking branch 1.16-books ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16-books (still at ea87f066ea7752c8087c89aae63e15921fbfe0de) Checking branch 1.16-breaking-books ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.16-breaking-books (still at 7c4d1145615a6d018c5ce498bdd39e5831633b5a) Checking branch 1.18 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.18 (still at f1ead2e06a7705f7735b50cab8b5b3f679148492) Checking branch 1.18.2 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.18.2 (still at 16d19fb281f61c739581166ccf68f74a2bf1e6ca) Checking branch 1.20 ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: 1.20 (still at 7a6d7de8a62b7302685d00b89bcc45f1176b2003) Checking branch 1.6.4 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.7.10 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.8.9 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.9 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch 1.9.4 ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found Does not meet criteria Checking branch master ‘Jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria No changes detected: master (still at 672b43c7322c29490c25b303b40a0400a58a6b62) 17 branches were processed Finished examining SlimeKnights/Mantle [Sat Jun 01 19:47:26 GMT 2024] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 2.8 sec Evaluating orphaned items in SlimeKnights » Mantle Will not remove 1.13 as it is only #1 in the list Finished: SUCCESS